Wednesday 29 October 2014

October Morning on the West Coast of Canada.

This was what I saw this morning when I looked out of my condo from my balcony, grey dull with a hint of blue along the horizon. My plan was to go to Angelina's for breakfast and have a chat with my friend Rita on the way back.  As I stepped out it started to rain enough that I went back for my umbrella.
 Afterwards I checked out Rita's Garden and found this Black Pearl Pepper plant, check out the black peppers on the left and the ripened ones on the right.  This is an ornamental plant that Rita is hoping will seed itself next year.
 A last rose of the garden, check out that blue sky in the background!
 Chocolate Cosmos tumbling over the raised bed.
 Yes, sunshine on a late October morning.  We had a lot of wind and rain through the night.
 Autumn crocuses.
 Lovely Autumn colours.
 Look what I spotted, this picture and the previous ones were taken with my iPad.  My dear friend Sandi Hill has got me hooked on instagram.
 I went home and got my camera to take some better pictures.  This is a smaller older one from the state of the stem.
 A new one breaking ground.
 This one lost it's top but is showing the gills.
 A bit closer look at the one I first spotted.
 Reminds me of a painted hamburger bun with sesame seeds on top.
 Mini hidden beneath the roses.
 A different look at the mature one.
 The one I spotted first from a different angle.
 Changing the focus to capture the transparent rose petals.
 A closer look at the gills along the edge of the cap.
 Still putting forth buds.
 Very persistent are the roses here on the Quay.
 A walk towards home.
 The same view a few hours later, hardly a cloud to be seen...such is life on the west coast of Canada.  Welcome to my world.


paulette said...

Yes, we really do live in a beautiful corner of the world!! Hubby and I went for a long hike this morning and it was glorious out in the woods! The sunshine was wonderful and the salmon were spawning in the rivers and creeks! We are so lucky!

paulette said...

The corn was great too...hahah I had to say it!!