Saturday, 14 June 2008

Creative idea! This fox is made of recycled bicycle parts. I took the picture along the Fox River in St. Charles, Illinois in May 2005.
Just after I got home in May I went walking and enjoying the flowers along the Quay. The colours are just amazing to enjoy.
They were looking beautiful, the gardeners do a wonderful job of mixing the varieties of bulbs.
They also have fun with other Spring flowers to add a sparkle of colour.
I love the cool blue flowers with the warm pink above.
These poor ones are a bit wind-blown.
I love how this is a great cross-section of the tulip. I just happened upon this specimen.
What a great example of complimentary colours.
This Dogwood tree was desperately trying to put out some blooms in the wet, cold Spring weather we've been having.
Isn't this a pretty flower?
Pink tulips, one of my favourite colours and the most traditional shape when you think of tulips.
Three tugs racing along the river, the first one is actually towing the other two.

Each year our city has the Hyack Festival, they have an amusement park set up in Queens Park for all to enjoy.
It was a bright sunny, but very windy day, as you can see by the flags blowing.
A few blocks away I found this lovely dogwood in bloom.