I'm interested in quilting, antiques, travel, and photography. I hope to share these with you
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Valentine's day, Spring is starting to show it's face!Crocuses are starting to push up their heads through the winter beds of soil.
These purple ones are starting to make a good show.
I love the blue berries on this plant.
These pink blossoms are so delicate.
The snowdrops are multiplying in this bed, soon they will all be in full blossom.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Today is my birthday! 2009 is my birth date year! Last year I turned the age of the year I was born, how interesting these two years fell together.I took the picture of the yellow witch hazel yesterday, it is one of my favourite shots of this plant.
February has more flowering trees bursting forth with colour and sunny blue skies.
This planting of snowdrops were just peeking out last week and now they are starting to bloom! So much for February blahs..I think the month is a great one.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Snowdrops are starting to bloom again, I took this picture in my friend's garden last Sunday.Saturday I walked down again to see and found this delightful little bloom. It is almost bigger than the stem that is holding it.
Next it is a few more blossoms peeking up, keeping the white pansy company.
Last year I noticed this yellow witch hazel not far from the orange one I like to photograph.
It almost looks alien with the thin colourful leaves.
The orange one almost has a yellow glow to its outer edges.
The new shoots are slowly starting to push their way off the main stems.
We've had some lovely sunny weekends, although today it turned to rain, with some wet snow. Let's wait and see what February will bring this year.