Sunday, 17 January 2010

Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics are just around the corner...but Spring is making an early arrival! The weather has turned warmer the past week; in fact we broke a few high temperature records lately. The yellow witch hazel has exploded in blooms. Last year there was snow on the ground and I could get closer to this plant. This year all sorts of bulbs are starting to poke their leaves through the ground.
Snow drops are starting to bloom in the warm weather.
The orange witch hazel is covered with blossoms.
Looking up the Fraser River you can see first the sky train bridge, then the Pattulo Bridge and beyond a train bridge. The mountains in the background were covered with some fresh snow.
This group of blossoms make me think of orange spider crabs.
Crocuses are starting to bloom.
One of the Rhododendrons was cut down and the underlying moss makes it look like tree trunks have been clear cut!
This Rhododendron is making an early flowering..sometimes it will bloom twice in a year.
Even a few of the roses haven't figured out it is winter and are still putting forth buds.
This purple crocus couldn't wait to bloom...look how close the blossom is to the ground!
The pink winter flowering forsythia is so delicate and fragrant. Time will tell if it will get another covering of snow before Spring makes its arrival.

1 comment:

The little book of Nessie said...

Lovely pictures Sandi. You have had a warm spell and in Victoria, Australia where I live we have had a cold spell this last week with snow on some of the mountain tops!
Regards, Nessie