Friday 20 February 2015

April temperatures in February!

We've had an interesting Winter so far in the Vancouver area where I live.  We've had several bouts of Hawaiian Express weather episodes which dumps lots of rain and milder temperatures in the area.  Several of our local mountains have little or no snow and have either suspended or closed their ski seasons.
 I hadn't gone walking along the quay for awhile and spotted some sure signs of Spring.  We often have lots of crocuses and snowdrops at this time of the year, but even the peonies have started to emerge.
 These rhododendrons often bloom in Autumn and in the Spring.
 I love the colour of these blooms as they change from bud to blossom.
 The yellow Witch Hazel is always a few weeks behind it's orange cousin.

 Mini Irises are also in bloom.
 A few snowdrops still hanging around.

 Always love the mix of colours in this planter.

 Loved the striped versions.
 Great contrast of the orange against the dark mauve to purple.
 Hellebore in bloom.
 Mini daffodils.
 Another lovely Hellebore in Rita's Garden.
 A mini tulip.

 One of my favourite photos of the day; first bee of the season.
 My favourite picture, a striped crocus with a lovely orange centre.


Rachaeldaisy said...

How beautiful to see all those spring flowers blooming! I so rarely see crocuses growing so it's extra special to see photos of those.

paulette said...

Thanks...I needed that! Home sweet home!