I can't believe I haven't done any other posts this year. Yesterday was my birthday and I'd planned on doing one and instead went out and had an enjoyable day doing what I felt like doing.
I shared this collage of some of our winter blooms that are already popping up. We've had a dusting of snow and colder temperatures but nothing like the rest of Canada and the USA.
Hence this popped up on Facebook, I saw Cherry Blossoms bursting forth on December 31st! Definitely the earliest I can recall. Today we are around -6 C or 20 F. We are seeing some ice floating along the Fraser River.
This was about all the snow we've had fall on February 3rd.
It was very cold and small flakes which got suspended in a spider's web on my deck.
Interesting effect.
Fresh snow on the mountains.
The daffodils survived once again.
Yellow Witch Hazel.
I taught some friends how to make wonky stars. The tiny one was made by me along with the two smaller ones on the bottom row. I encouraged them to make theirs with 3 1/2" strips for a first go.
January 21st I took these photos of the Blood Wolf Moon and then made a collage of them.
Just after midnight I went out and took some more pictures this first one I used a flash.
This one was hand held.
I also go more fish to prep for Something's Fishy.
And block three of Fresh Cut.
I went for a visit to my friend Rita and her smaller dog Cupcake jumped up and pulled the quilt down when Rita left the chair. She love cuddling with her brother Buddy.
Rita had to make them move to sit down but they quickly decided it was nap time.
I've been bouncing around on blocks one and two of Fresh Cut. I'm waiting for certain colours of threads to arrive.
I went overboard on the French Knots and Seed stitch on this block.
Time to get prepping my background for block 3 today. Enjoy your Sunday.
My birthday snow has arrived, it started a few minutes ago!
Still snowing another short video.
Happy belated birthday!
I can't believe we're just south of you and we're buried in show and you have hardly any! Weather is weird, isn't it?
The flowers are so beautiful and fun to see in the middle of winter. And I love those shots with the snowflakes in the spider web. Your photography is top notch. I always enjoy seeing your photos.
Your stitchery is beautiful! It looks like your friends had fun making wonky stars. They did a great job! I'm glad you shared, both with them and with us.
Happy belated birthday!
I love seeing all your wonderful photos. What fun to see all those beautiful flowers. I can't believe we're just south of you and we're buried in snow (which is unusual here) and you have so little. Weather is weird, isn't it?
It looks like your friends had fun making wonky stars! They did great.
Your stitchery is beautiful! I love french knots, but you must love them even more! hee hee!
Such a beautiful place to live, even in the winter.
Your flower blocks are beautiful.
Happy Birthday again! I meant to post yesterday, but my brain went numb;)
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