Colour me blue, it is very cold here right now...Sunday I went to one of the local garden centres and found this fountain almost completely frozen. The snow that arrived on the Saturday was still hanging around.
The icicles were just starting to form on the lights and they looked so pretty.
But as usual on the west coast, by Monday morning the snow was all gone. But Tuesday night and most of Wednesday it snowed again. This time there was a lot more snow on the ground.
Today I went for a walk at lunch, yesterday the cars were covered by snow by the end of the day. It took me a few minutes to clear off all the windows and lights before I could drive home last night.
The sun came out for a brief appearance and most of the main roads are clear. The temperatures are expected to stay cold for about another week. "They" are predicting there may be a white Christmas all across Canada this year for the first time since 1971!
I love how the snow filters down onto the branches of this huge evergreen tree.
Most of the leaves on the weeping willow have dropped now that it has turned so cold.
I took this picture just after noon today, looking towards the south, the tree looked so pretty silhouetted against the cloudy bright sky. Stay tuned, the Fraser is freezing farther upriver and I hope to see some floating down over the weekend. Here is hoping I can get some pictures over the weekend.

Hi Sandi,
I really enjoyed seeing your pictures. No snow but I also have 'Christmas' roses blooming here. Also, my golden Jacob's trumpet is still in bloom, in spite of overnight freezing temps. . . The sun just set and it is turning colder. Time to put another log on the fire and brew a pot of tea!
Keep warm!
Love the snow photos! Will try to get some while in Denver with the snow and all of the pretty lights.
Karen in Tucson
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