The Winter Solstice has arrived in the northern hemisphere...just before it arrived I went to lunch on Friday with friends at Horizons restaurant on top of Burnaby Mountain. The view to the west looking at Vancouver, North and West Vancouver was spectacular.
The totems in the picture above are from Japan. The twin trees have been trained into two magnificent birds in the lower picture.
The body of water you see winding up the right side is Burrard Inlet, it separates Vancouver from North and West Vancouver. You might be able to see the Lion's Gate Bridge linking Stanley Park and North Vancouver. On a clear day you can see the Gulf Islands and sometimes even Vancouver Island from this area.
The North Shore mountains are a popular ski destination at this time of year.
This morning I woke up to almost 10 cm. [5 inches] of fresh snow that fell overnight. This is a view from my deck.
This polar bear looks like he is right at home even though he is miles from his usual habitat.
The packages by the tree look ready to be opened and shared with friends.
The rhododendrons have curled up their leaves to protect themselves in this cold weather we are having.
It was a cold, cloudy morning walking along the river. You can see the ice forming around the paddle wheelers. The first bridge is for the skytrain, the second for cars and the third is a train bridge.
This crow was working hard to get something out of a bag to eat that was down on the ice in the river.
The river is filled with ice, some of the tugs are still managing to make their way through with log booms.
The world's largest tin solder is standing on guard over the snowy banks of the boardwalk.
Here is another view of the three bridges across the Fraser. We have 7 major car bridges crossing at various points in the lower mainland. Not to mention other train and smaller bridges for cars.

The snow started up again this morning about 2 hours ago and we are expecting another 10-15 cm [5-7 inches] today. Tomorrow they say it may get sunny before more snow on Tuesday and Wednesday. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

The Palm trees are showing off the latest in snow designs.
Yesterday the pond was flowing despite some ice forming on the lower level and the right side of the waterfall.

The snow started up again this morning about 2 hours ago and we are expecting another 10-15 cm [5-7 inches] today. Tomorrow they say it may get sunny before more snow on Tuesday and Wednesday. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
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